Digital Notice Board ( )


12:40 PM


The management of Daffodil International University has taken the following measures to enhance student facilities and enrich the overall campus environment at DIU: Tuition Fee Waiver: A 20% waiver on tuition fees for the Fall-2024 semester has been granted to all registered students for Fall-2024. This 20% waiver will be added to the existing waiver granted to students in Fall-2024. Transport Fee Waiver: A 30% waiver of transport fee has been waived for Fall-2024 only. However, a group of students is invited to submit a comprehensive plan to improve the transportation system and collaborate with the Department of Transportation. Laptop Distribution: Laptops will be provided under the One Student One Laptop project at the beginning of their fourth semester. Internet facilities: Internet facilities across the entire campus have been updated. Classroom Equipment Upgrades: Projectors have been installed in all classrooms. Sound systems have also been installed where necessary, and further installation will be made upon request from the respective department. Air Conditioning Installations: AC units have been installed in most classrooms and computer laboratories. The installation of AC units in all classrooms is ongoing phase by phase. Elevator Upgrade in Knowledge Tower: For the convenience of students, installing an elevator system with a capacity of 50-60 people is underway in the Knowledge Tower. Payment Notice: The Accounts Section has been instructed to notify students of the payment of tuition fees at least ten (10) days before. Exam Evaluation Transparency: Students who desire to view their answer scripts for the final examinations must apply within seven (7) working days of the publication of the final results. The answer scripts will be available within five (5) working days for the students to review. Fee Collection: Semester registration fees of the university and hall fees will be collected separately. Fine on late payments: Fine on late payment has been imposed to maintain discipline in the accounts section. Food Court Expansion: The area of the food court has been extended. Exam Breaks: Seven (7) days off before mid-term and final exams may not be granted for the current (Fall 2024) semester but will be considered in the future. Participation in Examination: The department has been requested to take necessary actions if students fail to bring their ID cards or clearance during exams. Food Quality Monitoring: A Food Monitoring Committee has been formed to improve food quality in the University halls, Food Court, and Green Garden. They will also fix reasonable prices, and actions will be taken based on their decisions. Hall issues: All issues related to the halls have been reported to the authorities, and they have been requested to resolve them immediately and inform the students. Study Rooms or Libraries: The establishment of study rooms or libraries in other academic buildings, such as the Knowledge Tower, is in progress. Communication of Academic Decisions: Adequate time will be provided for any academic decisions to be communicated via email. Without discrimination waiver system: There is no discrimination in the waiver system of DIU. BLC Enhancement: The management will take initiatives to enhance the BLC engagement. These initiatives reflect our ongoing commitment to enhancing student services and ensuring a supportive and conducive learning environment. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these updates. *** Sharing of the notice on social media is prohibited. This is a completely internal notice, only for DIU students. ***